Fitness for Youth Mandatory Orientation
Fitness & Wellness
Fitness & Wellness Menu- Overview
Youth orientations are mandatory and allow pre-teens and teens to become
familiar with the equipment in the fitness centre and provide them the confidence and knowledge to safely enjoy the space. Fitness centre etiquette, exercise choice, proper exercise form, and safe loading will be covered in the free, one-hour session.
Pre-Teens (Ages 9-11)
Upon completion of a pre-teen youth orientation, youth may access the Fitness Centre in the company of a parent or guardian. Participants learn how to use appropriate cardio equipment and perform functional strength exercises using bodyweight and portable equipment such as TRX, BOSUs, and balance balls. A parent or guardian is required to take the preteen orientation with their youth.
Teens (Ages 12-14)
Upon completion of a teen youth orientation, youth may access the Fitness Centre without a parent or guardian present. Participants learn how to use cardio equipment, pin-loaded and strength equipment, appropriate free weights, and functional equipment.
To book an orientation, contact:
Diane Thuna
Fitness and Recreation Manager
403-444-3150 • email