Flu Clinic
Calgary JCC 1607 90 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, CanadaFlu clinic with Pharmasave Pharmacist Matthew Wasserman. Bring your Alberta Health Care card.
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Flu clinic with Pharmasave Pharmacist Matthew Wasserman. Bring your Alberta Health Care card.
Our Off Broadway High Tea is SOLD OUT This is an intergenerational event so bring your siblings, children and grandchildren. View poster
Join us for a festive meal and holiday celebration with musical entertainment by Steven Klevsky, dancing, door prizes, and a 50/50 draw. $20 per person Register by December 7 at […]
A lovely and fun way to spend a Tuesday afternoon with friends in a warm and friendly atmosphere at the JCC. Enjoy a home-cooked meal and wonderful entertainment by The […]
Get your daubers out and join us for a fun-filled afternoon of Bingo! Register at Customer Service Desk or call 403-253-8600, ext.0. $5 members | $7 public Coffee and cake […]
Today Open until 9:30 pm
Tomorrow Open from 5:30 am to 9:30 pm
Wednesday Open from 5:30 am to 9:30 pm
Thursday Open from 5:30 am to 9:30 pm
Friday Open from 5:30 am to 6:00 pm
If you need assistance at any time, call:
(403) 253-8600